Website & AI Chatbot

From Website Confusion to Lead Generation Machine

"Our website was a labyrinth, leads got lost, and I felt like I was talking to brick walls"

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From Website Confusion to Lead Generation Machine

Project Overview

A real estate client's website overwhelmed visitors with information, leading to poor user experience and missed leads.

Project Execution

Mixsoft implemented a comprehensive strategy:

  • Website audit: Identified key UX issues, On-Page SEO and conversion roadblocks.
  • Rebuilt website with user-friendly design: Focused on clarity, ease of navigation, and lead capture.
  • Developed an AI-powered chatbot: Qualified leads and automatically added them to the CRM.



  • Improved user experience: Visitors found what they needed quickly and easily.
  • 100% qualified leads: No more wasting time on unqualified inquiries.
  • Increased lead generation: More sales opportunities and faster business growth.

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